Create an account record



Create a new account record

Request body parameters

Parameter name Value Description Additional
TokenUUID String Unique api token used for each request. Required
AccountName String The account name. Required
Address1 String The second line for the address. Required
Address2 String The second line for the address. Required
Town String The town for the account address. Required
Postcode String The postcode for the account address. Required
County String The country for the account address. Required
Telephone String The telephone number associated with the account. Required
CountryID String The ID of the country associated with the account. Required
Note String Add a note to the account. Required
CreatedByUserID Integer The user ID of the creator of the account record. Required
AssignedToUserID Integer The user ID who the account will be assigned to. Required
AccountTypeID String Account type required for the account creation. Required
ContactProfileID Integer The profile ID for the contacts. Required
Contacts JSON Array Array containing the attributes to create. Must contain Firstname, Lastname and Emailaddress name-value pairs Required
Actions JSON Array Array containing the account actions to create. Must contain ActionTypeID (String), ActionAssignedToUserID (Integer), ActionText (String), ActionDate (String - format dd-mm-yyyy) and ActionTime (String - format HH:mm) name-value pairs Required

Example Request

                                    "TokenUUID": "xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
                                    "AccountName" : "ACME Ltd",
                                    "Address1": "Unit 10",
                                    "Address2": "Farnborough Business Park",
                                    "Town": "Farnborough",
                                    "Postcode": "GU14 9DF",
                                    "County": "Hampshire",
                                    "Telephone": "01252 539141",
                                    "Note": "Here is a note",
                                    "CreatedByUserID": 123,
                                    "AssignedToUserID": 123,
                                    "CountryID": "77",
                                    "AccountTypeID": "3",
                                    "ContactProfileID": "xx",
                                    "Contacts": [
                                                "Firstname": "James",
                                                "Lastname": "Smith",
                                                "Emailaddress": ""
                                                "Firstname": "Donna",
                                                "Lastname": "Gates",
                                                "Emailaddress": ""
                                                "Firstname": "Trevor",
                                                "Lastname": "Cover",
                                                "Emailaddress": ""
                                    "Actions": [
                                                "ActionTypeID": "1",
                                                "ActionAssignedToUserID": 360,
                                                "ActionText": "Action text here",
                                                "ActionDate": "31-10-2023",
                                                "ActionTime": "10:09"

Response body

Parameter name Value Description
StatusCode String Status code for the response.
StatusDesc String Description for the status response.

Example Response

                                    "StatusCode": "200",
                                    "StatusDesc": "xxxxxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"

To use this api you must have an account together with an api key. Please contact us for further information.